All companies pay through regular business banking. To be able to receive money, you need to have a valid bank account, regular or E-bank (Wise or Bitsafe) in your own name, with which you can receive euro payments from European countries. You also need to show a valid, nationwide, official ID, such as a passport or ID card.
If you don't trust that, we do understand, but without it you can not apply. Without a valid bank account a company can't pay you of course. Also all companies are legal and legit and therefore it is required by law, to file and keep a copy of your ID. Furthermore, most jobs are adult jobs and we need to be able to verify if your are at least 18 years of age. This also means your ID must contain your date of birth.
If you work and live in The Netherlands only a Dutch paspport or ID card will do. Also your Burger Service Number (BSN) is required. A driving license in The Netherlands can not be used as an offical ID for work purposes.
In case you are living as an immigrant or refugee in the Netherlands (no matter the reason) there are legal documents which will do as an offiicial ID, but only when they contain legal stamps and signatures which show you are permitted to work in The Netherlands. We will also check your status with the official authorities.
Other countries
For all other countries other identification documents may be valid, but only if:
Your ID should always be an ID from the country you live and work. For instance if you live and work in Belgium, but you are originally from Suriname, you can not use a Surinam passport or ID card.
In case you do not live in The Netherlands, but for some reason would visit that country (family, business, holiday) and you are working for a Dutch company, it is forbidden by law to work during your stay.
Copy ID / Quality
Your copy ID must be a scan or photo in color. Black and white copies, a photo of a copy or a photocopy printout are not allowed.
It is allowed to add a date stamp or a text (like copy for {name company}), as long as all needed details remain clearly visible.
No matter where you live, it does not matter which country your bank account is from.
So this can be in your own country, any other country or an E-bank account, as long as the bank account is in your own name and matches your ID.
It is useless to ask us if we can transfer your money to another person (friend, sibling, parent and so on). This is forbidden by law.
Don't get 'smart' by sending an account number of someone else and then use your own name. Banks really do check and it won't work, not even if that person is your brother and has the same last name. The money will be returned to sender and the delay and the costs are on you. Besides that the account holder risks to have his/her account being deactivated for fraud.
Make sure you double check your details before sending.
Swapped numbers, forgetting a number, it does happen. But with foreign transfers this can cost you both time and money. Time because it can literally take many weeks before the money has been returned. Money because banks will often take out a fee for the extra work plus you will lose the original sending fee to begin with.
It is your own responsibility to do it right so always double check.
Another often made mistake: in a lot of countries the number on your bank card is not the same as your account number.
A real FAQ: do you work with my bank?
That is a wrong question. A sending party can send money to any bank anywhere in the world, as long as all details are correct. The right question is 'will my bank accept the transfer?' and that is a question you should ask your bank, not us. There can be many factors involved:
These are just a few things we come across regularly. Remember, it is your bank, your bank account and the terms and conditions and other policies are from your bank. So it is really your responsibility.
How long does it take before I receive my money?
Payments within the Netherlands to regular banks are real time. To E-banks and IBAN/EU accounts from other European countries, it is usally one full day.
All other foreign transfers take 3 to 5 working days on average, but this can vary from country to country, from bank to bank within a country and even from branch to branch within the same bank. So in reality this can be anything from a couple of days up to 2 weeks.
For more questions about banking and payments, check our page 'Payment'.